First workshop of the Narrative Change Lab, Dec 7-9, 2017

Submitted by Johannes Remy on Πέμ, 25/01/2018

From December 7-9, we were delighted to get started with our first workshop in the Narrative Change Lab. In the workshop, we deconstructed the myth of the 'moveable middle' in the migration debate in Germany, looked at society values that unite rather than divide and worked on first drafts of reframing campaign strategies targeting the middle. 

Visualizing different segments of German population and presenting them to peer participants

One big activity was to dig down deep into German public opinion research on attitudes towards migration and try to develop messages that would appeal to different segments. Through a role play, participants were put in the situation of actually giving a speech to a group of skeptical people.

Further, we have explored international examples of campaigns that used specific messages and messengers to engage segments beyond their base. Drawing on these experiences, we will go on with the Narrative Change Lab over the next months and participants will implement campaigns on their own in Germany. We are looking forward to support the great group of dedicated activists, campaigners and researchers who took part in the workshop in developing those campaigns and to put diversity and inclusion back on the agenda in the migration debate.

Check out the syllabus for the workshop.

Our trainer, Eóin Young, explaining German segmentation research to participants




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